
神々の遊びより秘境の方に興味があるんじゃが。残り7%の陸地面積でよくこれだけの文明が発達したな。神々が遊び相手欲しさに発展させたのか? 制海権はどうなってるんだろ。どちらにせよ人間相手に海底に隠れるのはずるくない?
謎文字には設定上の意味があるんだろか。そしてトランプは謎文字じゃない謎。立体感あるプレートはまた別の文字体系なの? 白地に黒の方は読めた。

those who have received faver from god become apostles.
beneficiaries can take on the game with the power of
either a superhuman or a mage.
all games are played in god's playground.
the power of grace can only be used in god's playground.
winning a game allows you to use part of the benefit in
reality as a reward.
lose the game challenge after three defeats.
the victories over god will be considered a success.
